Firefighter Exam.
Are you Ready?
Created by industry experts, Firefighter Prep is designed to prepare you for the pre-employment exams and recruitment process for Firefighter jobs across the United States, Canada and Australia.
Practice before
you write!
Our online test preparation program provides you the opportunity to score high marks on the pre-employment recruitment exams associated with Firefighter jobs. Don't let the entrance exams screen you out of a rewarding long-term career.
Pass or
your Money Back!
With over 15 years of experience, we are confident that our program will help you ace your test that we offer a full money back guarantee. Our practice exams are that good!

Specializing in NFST, CPS, FACT and Gledhill-Shaw Test.
Looking for a career as a Firefighter? You can't afford to be without FirefighterPrep. Every year tens of thousands of people apply for Firefighter jobs across North America and Australia. However, the recruitment process is highly competitive, for each of these desirable positions there are hundreds of applicants.

Take Control and Pass your Firefighter Exam.
FirefighterPrep's unique program provides practice exams and interview preparation for Firefighter positions. At FirefighterPrep we continuously work closely with Fire Departments and Colleges to ensure that our clients receive high quality training and gain the advantage needed to get these highly competitive jobs. Our company is dedicated to helping you get a rewarding and lasting career!

Timed Practice Exams and Interview Preparation.
Access to timed-practice exams designed specifically for Firefighter entrance exams, you will gain the confidence and know-how to pass the recruitment written exams on your first attempt! In addition, our interview preparation training material will help you standout during the interview process. Gain the competitive advantage with FirefighterPrep.
Trusted Partners
Helping Firefighter candidates access quality resources and employment opportunities.

Helping Toronto Fire Service Prepare Candidates.
Get Hired!
Offering FREE Career Firefighter Postings, Webinars, Recruitment Resources, Events and Discussion Forums.
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